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Address : 8400 Clark Rd, Shepherd, MT 59079, USA

Phone Number: 406 373 9828

Primary Email Address :

Hours of Operation: 8 to 5 Monday through Thursday, 8 to 4 on Friday



  • Service Areas 

You are probably used to dealing with companies located in cities, so a 50 mile service area. My business is located in the rural, low population, Rock Mountain West. So at a minimum, my service area is my entire state. We also service clients in western North Dakota, and Northern Wyoming.

My own research shows the best key word terms related to service area for my business is immigration lawyer plus a geographical search term. Based on what I see in my Adwords account, these are the best terms:

immigration lawyer near me, or best immigration lawyer near me

immigration lawyer billings

immigration lawyer helena

immigration lawyer great falls

immigration lawyer bozeman

immigration lawyer kalispell

You could mix it up with immigration attorney too. But, people search for lawyer over attorney two to one.

For the North Dakota, the best terms would be:

immigration lawyer north dakota

immigration lawyer williston

immigration lawyer minot

immigration lawyer bismarck

For Wyoming, the best terms would be:

immigration lawyer wyoming

immigration lawyer sheridan

immigration lawyer gillette


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